Monday, April 7, 2014


                      David continues to eat and walk the floor of the unit. He wears a yellow paper face mask whenever he leaves his room. Since he is now seriously neutropenic (his neutrophil count is very low), his risk of infection is high. Neutrophils comprise about 60% of the total amount of white blood cells in a healthy adult body. They attack bacteria and fungi. The goal of chemotherapy is to kill the out-of-control cancerous white blood cells (blasts), but it’s a blunt instrument and kills healthy blood cells as well. David receives blood and platelet transfusions, but because they are part of his unique immune system, his own body must produce new, healthy neutrophils. He will stay in the hospital until his neutrophil counts recover.

            David will probably have a third bone marrow biopsy on Friday and get the results early next week. The hope is that the leukemia will be at undetectable levels, or in remission. If they are, he’ll have a fourth biopsy a week later, to confirm the remission.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and thinking about you guys and David. We're going to try to join in the fast this Saturday night!
