Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Plan, Commit, Covenant, Pledge, Promise, Swear, Vow

            Now that the leukemia saga is over, I plan to continue blogging: I hope you’ll continue following my blog. The blog predates the leukemia; we’ll see what the blog becomes over time.

            As I composed this post in my mind, I wondered what verb to use: do I simply plan to continue, or will I commit, covenant, pledge, promise, swear, or vow? Which accurately describes my investment in the blog and my responsibility to my readers?

            To me, a covenant is between God and me; a vow also suggests a solemnity I won’t apply to posting a blog. I originally considered ‘promise’, then paused: perhaps I’m not that serious. Is a commitment more or less binding than a promise? To me, promise is the stronger word. It connotes a personal pledge to do all within my power to fulfill it. After this mental discussion ‘plan to’ seems weak and indecisive.

            Of course, if you never come back to my blog this whole discussion will be moot.

            For now, I pledge to post by 11:59 p.m. each Tuesday for the remainder of 2015. (Engaging comments are welcome: please sign your name.)

            I may post more often, especially at first, as I process David’s death.


  1. Excellent! I applaud your pledge and look forward to your posts.

  2. I think I lost my comment, but I'd love to read them. I know they'll be, honest, heartfelt, and well written.

  3. I will commit to reading what you write and checking weekly.

  4. I will commit to reading what you write and visiting your blog at least weekly

  5. I pledge (good word selection) to read weekly. I'm sure I will continue to enjoy reading your thoughtful posts.
