Sunday, July 26, 2015

Another Sabbath

            This morning I dropped Matt off at MGH at 8:30 a.m. and I went to church. I stayed all three hours and it was glorious. The meetings were inspirational and the friends I saw very supportive.

            This afternoon David has been awake a few times, but mostly dozing or (hopefully) sound asleep: it’s impossible to tell. His throat isn’t bothering him much, but he’s had severe belly pain. They did an x-ray which showed a blockage, and a CT scan. We don’t have the results of that yet. He’s vomited a few times, which looks very painful.

            Jim had a peak experience heading the Alan and Mary Cannon Family Reunion in Shelley and Blackfoot, Idaho on Friday and Saturday. Alan and Mary are Charlotte’s parents, Jim’s grandparents. They were instrumental in his life and he has worked hard the past two years planning and organizing and shepherding this reunion into existence. It’s been a long labor of love. Sam and Savannah were able to join him in Idaho and are with him this minute. They’ll fly back to California and he’ll be back in Massachusetts at 7 a.m. I’m so grateful he was able to enjoy the fruits of his hard work. And I’m grateful he’ll be home soon.

            Matt has been here since Wednesday night. He was planning to fly back to Chicago this evening, but decided to stay a while to be with David and me.

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