Saturday, May 24, 2014

I Love New England!

            David arrived at MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital) yesterday evening. He and I flew on a King Air BE 200 turbojet from Dulles Airport in D.C. to Hanscom Airport in Bedford, MA, 3.5 miles from our house by bike path. I told the flight nurse, “I love small planes!” He replied, “This is a big plane.” For commuters it would be configured with 13 seats; we had a stretcher for David, and three seats, for the nurse, the paramedic technician, and me. Route 128 and I-93 moved smoothly, a welcome surprise on the Friday of the Memorial Day weekend.
            David is comfortably ensconced in the Lunder building at MGH, built in 2012. His 10th floor room has views of Beacon Hill and the Statehouse, and sailboats on the Charles. He will have multiple tests, including a bone marrow biopsy on Tuesday, before his new doctors decide on the course of treatment.
            I took a Mom break and have been reveling in doing laundry and cleaning the fridge: truly life’s simple pleasures. Jim and R’el are at MGH with David. Peter, Xiomara, and little Andrew will be here tomorrow, just in time for Andrew’s 13th monthiversary.
            It is so comforting to be back in Boston. We did go from 80 degree weather to 60s, but I love New England. The trees leafed out while I was gone and my friends are going to help me plant the garden on this Memorial Day weekend. (Last frost day in lovely New England is May 31st.)
            Thank you for all the kind thoughts and prayers. It is going to be a long haul. Dr. McDuffee, the oncology fellow at Wrenmimic, several times has cautioned to take it ‘a day at a time, even an hour at a time.’ I’m grateful for this peaceful break.


  1. We are so glad to hear you are all back in MA!! We hope that this next phase of treatment goes well. Our prayers and thoughts are with your family.

  2. Yes, welcome home!

    I am grateful to read of beautiful views and time going well. This is sacred stuff.

  3. I'm glad you can take a well deserved break, Mary. You are doing an amazing job of being there for David. I'm having a difficult time making the blog work. Let's see if it goes through this time. Love, Charlotte
