Showing posts with label raspberries and eggplant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label raspberries and eggplant. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Raspberries in September

This will be lame, but at least I'm blogging. I've been sharing my garden with Cami this summer. It's a great help to have a gardening buddy. Today we picked raspberries, again. I've never had such a harvest! Goes to show what happens when I actually work in the garden at least an hour a week.
I'm inspired by my niece Michelle's gardening on the Left Coast. She has canned pounds and pounds of fruit and had bumper crops.
My poor tomatoes look like skeletons with a little green on top and a few pale tomatoes on each one. The gardening center says they have fungal infections due to the huge amount of rain and cool weather we have had. The zucchini and pumpkin are similarly infected.
We'd only harvested a few eggplant, but today there are 10 growing! An embarassment of riches.
I just tried to add a photo. It didn't work. I'll try again next time.